checkpoint.... my 1st HFF


checkpoint.... my 1st HFF

22 Sep 2015 27 24 346
Wish you all a wonderful weekend and enjoy it. Many thanks for all your visits and kind comments, always very appreciated. Stay safe and healthy!

Sherbrooke Village, my 2nd HFF

15 Sep 2012 19 18 171
Nova Scotia, Canada Have a nice Friday and enjoy it!

My 3rd HFF

02 Oct 2014 21 25 205
Panapa Mint Springs Resort, Death Valley. Wish you a wonderful weekend, stay safe and healthy!


12 Jun 2012 26 24 236
My 4th HFF. Wish you all a wonderful and healthy weekend and many thanks for your visits and kind comments!

a new day

04 Apr 2011 29 30 238
Aufgenommen vom Hotelzimmer an der Daytona-Beach, Florida Taken from hotelroom , Daytona-Beach, Florida Prise de notre chambre d'hotel, Daytona-Beach, Florida. HFF und schoenes Wochenende........

old wooden fence

07 Apr 2017 40 30 261
HFF Have a great Fryday and stay safe and healthy!

HFF im Europapark, Rust

HFF and fall in Montreal

01 Oct 2012 27 28 224
Mercis pour vos visites et étoiles. Soyez prudents et bonne nuit!

HFF by the lake

04 Nov 2020 33 28 227
Wuensche Euch allen einen schoenen Freitag und freue mich, dass es wieder HFF gibt! Passt auf Euch auf!

HFF and winter in New York

22 Jan 2016 38 29 258
Brooklyn-Bridge, N.Y. It was very, very cold!

HFF in Tombstone, Arizona

29.01.2021 HFF

18 Sep 2012 36 58 201
Boardwalk in Acadia N.P. Maine Freue mich immer ueber Eure Kommentare und Sternchen. Always glad to get your comments and stars. Toujours enchantée te recevoir vos commentaires et étoiles!

speedway of Daytona

04 Apr 2011 24 20 232
HFF and enjoy your day! Stay safe and healthy!

HFF à Bordeaux

10 Oct 2016 33 30 227
Wish you a very happy Friday and stay safe and healthy!

HFF some days ago

23 Feb 2021 46 38 270
Ma promenade avec Extra au Lac d'Enghien. Merci beaucoup pour vos visites et mots gentils! Voir sur fond noir!

Golden Gate and HFF

15 Oct 2014 32 22 238
San Francisco Wish you a nice day and many thanks for stopping by and stars.

HFF on the beach

02 Apr 2011 26 27 187

HFF au Musée Tomy Ungerer

22 Nov 2015 39 28 207
Strasbourg Je vous souhaite une belle journée et mille mercis pour vos visites, commentaires et étoiles.

142 items in total