Cracked Wheat Bread

Betsy Oppenneer

Cracked Wheat Bread

Pull-Apart Bread...........upside down?

Pull-Apart Bread.........upside down?

Italian Bread 2

Italian Bread 1

31 Mar 2008 2 948
Recipe enclosed

Italian Bread

Italian Bread

Ooooops!! Italian Bread

Chewy Oatmeal Bread

Bordeaux-style Crown (Couronne Bordelaise)

18 Feb 2008 2 2142
How to shape a Couronne Bordelaise:

Minibroodje van restdeeg 2

Minibroodje van restdeeg

No-Knead Parker House Rolls

09 Feb 2008 1 787 Don't forget to add some salt. It's not mentioned in the recipe. ........................................................... There once was a women from Kroll, Who in her sense of humor was quite droll, She went to a masquerade ball, Dressed in nothing al all, And backed in as a Parkerhouse Roll.

Betsy Oppenneer