
Helgoland 09/2009


13 Sep 2009 898
Starting to post some of my pictures I took during my holiday September last year visiting the island Heligoland . Holiday? Take a look at the time! 04:56 AM I'm already sitting in the train.


13 Sep 2009 1 774
6:18 AM, Elmshorn station, changing trains - beautiful Germany


13 Sep 2009 3 1001
Großes grünes Heupferd (Tettigonia viridissima)

Dangerous home

13 Sep 2009 850
Young Northern Gannet (Ger: Basstölpel, Lat: Morus bassanus, formerly Sula bassana)

Under the grey sky

Heligoland harbour

Sit down and relax

Northern Gannets



14 Sep 2009 933
Northern Gannet over the North Sea at Heligoland

Northern Gannet

Helgoland Bunker 1

Helgoland Bunker 2

Helgoland Bunker 3

Helgoland Bunker 4

Helgoland Bunker 5

Helgoland Bunker 6

66 items in total