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Camouflage (13.09.2023)
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Exposure:0.002 sec. (1/500)
Focal Length:50.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 50.0 mm)
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Aperture-priority AE
Max Aperture:2.0
Resolution:240 x 240 dpi
Original Date:2023:09:13 08:38:03
Created on:2023:09:13 08:38:03
Modified on:2023:09:13 22:39:52
Software:Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 12.5 (Macintosh)
AboutLeica Camera AG
Already AppliedTrue
Apply AutomaticallyFalse
Auto Lateral CA1
Auto Tone DigestBB14FCBF06EDDE07D89A8565F62CED 4D
Auto Tone Digest No SatDE03C5856A2B1E1D7E2C4C1E39F925 1F
Blacks 2012-24
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Blue Saturation0
Camera ProfileAdobe Standard
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Circle Of Confusion0.030 mm
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Color Grade Global Sat0
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Date Created2023:09:13 08:38:03+02:00
Date/Time Created2023:09:13 08:38:03+02:00
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Defringe Green Hue Hi60
Defringe Green Hue Lo40
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Defringe Purple Hue Lo30
Derived From Document IDD401E72B7D1F5F888BBDD6CC888C73 A2
Derived From Original Document IDD401E72B7D1F5F888BBDD6CC888C73 A2
Device Mfg DescIEC
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Digital Creation Date/Time2023:09:13 08:38:03+02:00
Exif Version0231
Exposure 2012+2.15
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Field Of View39.6 deg
File SourceDigital Camera
Focal Length 35mm52.0000000000
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Focal Plane Resolution Unitcm
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Grain Amount0
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Has CropTrue
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Highlights 2012-61
History Actionderived, saved
History Changed/
History Instance IDxmp.iid:4392471b-acb5-4cc2-b1a 1-c1484f7a55a3
History Parametersconverted from image/dng to image/jpeg, saved to new location
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 12.5 (Macintosh)
History When2023:09:13 22:39:52+02:00
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Hue Adjustment Blue0
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Image Size2250x3000
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Lens Info50mm f/2
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Light Value9.6
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Mask Group Based Corrections Correction Masks Masks WhatMask/Paint
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Mask Group Based Corrections WhatCorrection
Metadata Date2023:09:13 22:39:52+02:00
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GPS Information

GPS Latitude54 deg 19' 10.93" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude10 deg 8' 3.34" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Position54 deg 19' 10.93" N, 10 deg 8' 3.34" E
GPS Version ID2.2.0.0