@SeX #————█████████═══█'s photos

►streetART flash slideshow◄

25 Dec 2009 651
1000pxl view → 4rtist.com/wondershare.swf#─────██████████════█ or click the following flash symbol or http://ipernity.com/doc/sex/6907444?from=6907645&at=1261753804#__500pxl_view got the wondershare Flash slideshow builder (~40€) as a giveawayoftheday for free http://giveawayoftheday.com/#__different_languages_.fr_.de_.es +..

Heinrich Platz

heart queen


28 Sep 2009 1 968
image for the " do you like me " zoom in flash object live @ http://sex.lima-city.de/doyoulikeme

PUMA sticker

15 Aug 2009 858
perma url http://6de.de/PUMA-sticker#─────██████████════█

police mattress

11 Jul 2009 637
perma url http://6de.de/police-mattress


03 Jun 2009 4 880
Solidarrecycling Solidarecycling eimer

artgifts by unknown

a picture for you

24 Aug 2009 1 688
perma url http://6de.de/Reichelt#─────██████████════█


01 Jul 2009 563
perma url http://6de.de/aka#─────██████████════█


22 Jul 2009 596
perma url http://1cm.de/Krie@gmail.com,__en=war the Xtended IDN http://﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿.tk/#__+__ä.tk

Obey AD

01 Jul 2009 1 636
perma url http://6de.de/Obey-AD#─────██████████════█ The IDN http://﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿.tk


21 Jul 2009 684
perma url http://6de.de/koksen#achtziger

modified german keyboard layout with ☠ ☺ ♥ +

11 Sep 2009 893
my new de keyboard layout or [ALTgr] layout It´s a mod from the german keyboard with the "microsoftkeyboardlayaotcreator" ALTgr + <=« beside ALTgr + y = » ALTgr + h =♥ ALTgr + - = ─ ALTgr + .=• ALTgr +b=█ ALTgr +v=▄ ALTgr +n=▀ █▀█ ALTgr +a=∆ alpha ALTgr +r =► ALTgr +l =◄ ALTgr +t = † ALTgr +c= © i´ve changed from the default characters only ALTgr +< → ALTgr + i = | if you want you can download it 4rtist.de/de.zip unzip it , click the setup.exe file in the best case you can choose german unicode in the language bar, otherweise click the 4rtist.de/quickaccess.bat ; tab languages ; button [details] and select "german unicode" as the default keyboard layout. (VISTA tab "keyboards + languages" button [change keyboards] ) The zip file includes too the "de+" source file, so you can change/add characters TO create new keyboard layouts ►download microsoft keyboard layaot creator ►File "load existing keyboard " There are ~130 on your pc to finish it ►TAB project "build DLL and setup package" ignore the error report b.t.w. you can type some the characters with altcodes i.e. ☺=1 ♥=3 ►=16 http://altcode.tk/#__or__☺.tk the domain to the image http://xternded.tk/#─────████████════█

perma url http://6de.de/ear

06 Jul 2009 668
-- http://www.6reetings__from____-_-_____.4rtist.de http://www.shortcutblog.de http://www.streetart.info/#___or___6de.de ://www.idn-domain.blogspot.com#___+___ä.tk<http//www.IDN-domain.blogspot.com#___+___%C3%A4.tk> http://www.______________________________________.longestdomain.tk http://www._______.flashiestdomain.tk/#•••••••••••-_-••••••••••• •signature appended with the the ACTIVaid hotstring [w][w] + [ENTER]•

a picture for you

05 Sep 2009 604
http://-_-.atkey.tk http://1cm.de/@.exe#__download_the_file_into_the_Startup_folder <b>easier</b> drag n drop a shortcut to START, All programs, into Startup

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