Rudi Nuissl's videos

Lower Latham Reservoir Area

27 Jul 2014 92
Just a video to show the sheer number of birds at this site, mostly the aforementioned Franklin's Gull. Taken near Lower Latham Reservoir near La Salle, Colorado on July 27,2014.

Sooty Tern Video

25 Mar 2014 97
Yes, it's over-exposed, but this will give you the idea of how much in motion these birds were. And this is a tiny portion of the population on Bush Key. Dry Tortugas National Park on March 21, 2014.

Cassin's Sparrow Singing

14 Jul 2013 158
Sorry about the shaky video; hand-held, long lens, in the wind. Taken near Brush, Colorado on July 14, 2013.