Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)

Greater Prairie-Chicken

Folder: Bird Photos by Species

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25 Mar 2012

1 favorite

120 visits

Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)

This morning I had the most amazing opportunity to view a Prairie-Chicken Lek at dawn. Though the sky was overcast and we did not get the sun we were looking for, the birds made up for the weather. Some came within 20-30 feet of the blind! Lek northwest of Wray, Colorado on March 25, 2012.

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25 Mar 2012

91 visits

Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)

This male takes a break from the hard work of attracting a female. Lek northwest of Wray, Colorado on March 25, 2012.

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25 Mar 2012

67 visits

Greater Prairie-Chicken Profile

Tympanuchus cupido. Lek northwest of Wray, Colorado on March 25, 2012.

25 Mar 2012

80 visits

Female Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)

Once the females came onto the lek, the territories previously established by the males went out the window. Unfortunately the females did not come nearly as close to the blind as the males did. Lek northwest of Wray, Colorado on March 25, 2012.

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25 Mar 2012

80 visits

Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)

The Prairie-Chickens were in contant motion, running around the Lek trying to establish their territory. Lek northwest of Wray, Colorado on March 25, 2012.

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25 Mar 2012

66 visits

Greater Prairie-Chicken Fight!

Tympanuchus cupido. This morning I had the most amazing opportunity to view a Prairie-Chicken Lek at dawn. Though the sky was overcast and we did not get the sun we were looking for, the birds made up for the weather. Some came within 20-30 feet of the blind! Lek northwest of Wray, Colorado on March 25, 2012.

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25 Mar 2012

67 visits

Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)

This morning I had the most amazing opportunity to view a Prairie-Chicken Lek at dawn. Though the sky was overcast and we did not get the sun we were looking for, the birds made up for the weather. Some came within 20-30 feet of the blind! Lek northwest of Wray, Colorado on March 25, 2012.

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25 Mar 2012

62 visits

Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)

This morning I had the most amazing opportunity to view a Prairie-Chicken Lek at dawn. Though the sky was overcast and we did not get the sun we were looking for, the birds made up for the weather. Some came within 20-30 feet of the blind! Lek northwest of Wray, Colorado on March 25, 2012.

30 Mar 2014

71 visits

Greater Prairie-Chicken

Taken near Wray, Colorado on March 30, 2014.
14 items in total