Wolken über dem Dachstein ~
Der letzte warme Sommertag . . .
Le petit lac avec un canard
Une belle chose! Bon appétit!
Es war einmal ein warmer Sommerabend in der Stadt…
A kind of paradise -
Nationalpark Berchtesgaden, Bindalm
Wanderung im Klausbachtal ~
Nationalpark Berchtesgaden
Dream Tiger ~
by Jaques Monory ~
Fondation National Maeght
Provence - Fondation National Maeght
Fantastic place for the exhibition of modern art ~
Fountain by Joan Miró
Provence - Fondation National Maeght
Fantastic place for the exhibition of modern art ~
Oiseau - sulpture by Joan Miró
Provence - Fondation National Maeght
Fantastic place for the exhibition of modern art ~
Sculpture by Joan Miró
Provence - Fondation National Maeght
Fantastic place for the exhibition of modern art ~
Sculpture by Alexander Calder
Provence - Fondation National Maeght
Fantastic place for the exhibition of modern art
Traces of the past ~
reflections ~
See on black, please!
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