CVMVCD Country Club Map (1929)

CVMVCD Open House

80th anniversary open house at Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District in Indio, California.

07 Nov 2008

769 visits

CVMVCD Country Club Map (1929)

The post-it notes show what sort of agreements the CVMVCD has with each country club regarding Red Imported Fire Ant treatments.

07 Nov 2008

647 visits

CVMVCD Dr. Ernest R. Tinkham Plaque (1935)

07 Nov 2008

486 visits

CVMVCD Dais (1934)

The famous cherry wood dais.

07 Nov 2008

548 visits

CVMVCD Green Pool Notice (1932)

You don't want to come home and find this on your backyard gate.

07 Nov 2008

812 visits

CVMVCD Fogging Equipment (1924)

This is what they use when they fog for mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus.

07 Nov 2008

1 042 visits

CVMVCD Retired Jeep (1925)

07 Nov 2008

686 visits

CVMVCD Jeep (1927)

07 Nov 2008

532 visits

CVMVCD Insecticide Storage (1931)

The refrigerated room where they store all the good stuff.

07 Nov 2008

748 visits

CVMVCD Jeep Interior (1926)

14 items in total