Wexler (7189)

Palm Springs Modern House Tour

1 favorite  |  12 941 visits

A tour of eight midcentury modern homes in Palm Springs and Rancho Mirage on April 5, 2008, organized by the Palm Springs Modern Heritage Fund.

Near Russell House (7274)

Just Below Russell House (0685)

05 Apr 2008 533
This looked like a neighborhood parking area.

Frey Next Door To Russell House (0684)

05 Apr 2008 515
The Frey II house is next door.

Willow Inn (7273)

Wall Below Russell House (7324)

View of Tahquitz Canyon From Russell House (7280)

This is not the way to Tahquitz Canyon (7275)

05 Apr 2008 1667
Certainly not, but if you drove on Tahquitz Canyon Way, reasonably believing that it was the way to Tahquitz Canyon, you'd find yourself here.

Tahquitz Canyon From Road To Russell House (0683)

Road To Russell House (7325)

05 Apr 2008 536
We could take a shuttle van, but the adventurous walked.

Russell House (7283)

Russell House (7304)

Russell House (0687)

Looking Up To Russell House (0686)

Russell House (7290)

05 Apr 2008 649
Note the tiny room at the back where you will find the toilet and a tiny sink. I haven't seen anything so compact outside of Provincetown.

Russell House (7289)

Russell House (7288)

Russell House (7287)

Russell House (7317)

432 items in total