Ed At Ranger Station on Mt San Jacinto (0035)

Hike To Humber Park

Great Outdoors hike on Mt. San Jacinto from the tram to Humber Park in Idyllwild.

23 Jul 2011

384 visits

Ed At Ranger Station on Mt San Jacinto (0035)

23 Jul 2011

323 visits

Dead Trees (0066)

23 Jul 2011

383 visits

Dead Tree (0049)

23 Jul 2011

404 visits

Break Time (0037)

23 Jul 2011

347 visits

At The Upper Tram Statoin July 23 (0029)

I think this thermometer always reads too cool. I think it was actually closer to 70 degrees.

23 Jul 2011

373 visits

Along the trail (0063)

23 Jul 2011

537 visits

Along the trail (0047)

23 Jul 2011

375 visits

Dead Tree (0065)

23 Jul 2011

336 visits

Dead Tree (0064)

38 items in total