Calenergy Hoch Geothermal Plant (5372)

Great Outdoors Salton Sea Campout

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February 2010

Calenergy Hoch Geothermal Plant Control Room (8894…

Calenergy Hoch Geothermal Plant Control Room (8893…

Calenergy Hoch Geothermal Plant Control Room (8892…

Calenergy's Justin (5374)

Calenergy's Justin (5373)

Calenergy Volunteer Men's Room Inspector (8900)

O'Gil (5379)

Number and Size of Studs (5381)

Geothermal Plant (1)

Calenergy's Justin Explains (8898)

Calenergy's Justin (5375)

Calenergy Wetwear (5370)

Calenergy Practice Dummy (8880)

Calenergy Lockerroom (8901)

Calenergy Leprechaun Helmets (8891)

Calenergy Info Board (5380)

Calenergy Hoch Geothermal Plant Turbine Housing (8…

Dos Palmas Oasis (3892)

299 items in total