Big ol' Mesquite (8849)

Smoke Tree Ranch

A tour of historic Smoke Tree Ranch in Palm Springs with the Coachella Valley Desert Horticultural Society.

Big ol' Mesquite (8849)

Heart Cactus (5253)

Mountains Behind Smoke Tree Ranch (8867)

30 Jan 2010 410
Another view of this house:

Ranch House (8806)

Ranch House (8875)

Ranch House (8806A)

Smoke Tree Ranch - Kirby (8855)

Smoke Tree Ranch - Backyard (8822)

30 Jan 2010 528
Originally, private swimming pools were banned. Lawns (turf) are still not permitted to be in public view.

Big ol' Sweet Acacia (8817)

Big ol' Palo Verde (8816)

Big ol' Mesquite (8853)

Smoke Tree Ranch - Pencil Plant (5249)

Smoke Tree Ranch - Ocotillo (5247)

30 Jan 2010 853
That incredibly thick bush is an ocotillo! I've never seen one like it.

Smoke Tree (8847)

Ranch House Card Room (8877)

Ranch House Card Room (8876)

Ranch House Card Room (8804)

Smoke Tree Ranch - Including Smoke Tree (8826)

93 items in total