Relay for Life 039 (by Laura Green)

Relay For Life

The inaugural Desert Hot Springs Relay For Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.

Relay for Life 039 (by Laura Green)

Relay for Life 066 (by Laura Green)

Relay for Life 071 (by Laura Green)

Relay for Life 072 (by Laura Green)

Relay for Life 073 (by Laura Green)

Relay for Life 075 (by Laura Green)

Relay for Life 081 (by Laura Green)

Relay for Life 082 (by Laura Green)

Relay for Life 083 (by Laura Green)

Goalpost (0097)

Mt San Jacinto (0100)

Mt San Jacinto (0101)

Luminaria for JT (0069)

02 May 2009 425
Andy and Tim bought this luminaria for JT.

Goalpost (0098)

Relay For Life (0023)

Relay For Life (0022)

Relay For Life (0021)

Relay For Life (0020)

89 items in total