Giants (3805)

Wardman Park Re-opening

The dedication and opening of the rehabbed Maria Richardson baseball field at Wardman Park in Desert Hot Springs, California, March 21, 2009.

Giants (3805)

Mayor Parks Pitches First Ball

21 Mar 2009 815
Is there no limit to the Mayor's talents?

Crowded Parking (3793)

Crowded Parking (3792)

21 Mar 2009 406
And by the way, a new surface on Cactus Drive, too.

Furbee's Angels (3839A)

Cubs (3823)

Crowded Parking (3794)

Firefighter & Weenies (3814)

Firefighter & Weenies (3813)

Dodger (3822)

Furbee's Angels (3839)

Frank (3870)

21 Mar 2009 556
Frank (didn't catch his last name), who is in his 90s, bought these five acres from L.W. Coffee, the founder of Desert Hot Springs, and built the first baseball field on it. Today he donated $5000 to the little league.

Crowded Parking (3790)

Crowded Parking (3789)

Babe Ruth (3837)

Angels (3840)

Little Leaguers (3815)

Crowded Parking (3791)

101 items in total