Deep Space Station 14 (2758)

Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex

A visit with Great Outdoors and Palm Springs Frontrunners & Walkers to the Goldstone Observatory, the deep space communications branch of JPL. There are similar facilities in Madrid and Canberra so that a spacecraft is always within view of at least one deep space communications center.

Deep Space Station 14 (2758)

Deep Space Station 14 (8145)

Deep Space Station 14 (2)

Deep Space Station 14 (1)

Deep Space Station 14 (2758B)

Deep Space Station 14 (2757)

Deep Space Station 14 (2758A)

Deep Space Station 14 (2758C)

Deep Space Station 14 (2755)

Deep Space Station 14 as interpreted by Autostitch

22 Jan 2009 824
Sometimes Autostitch does weird things.

Deep Space Station 14 (8171)

Deep Space Station 14 (8169)

Deep Space Station 14 (8149)

Deep Space Station 14 (8148)

Deep Space Station 14 (8147)

Deep Space Station 14 (8146)

Deep Space Station 14 (3)

Deep Space Station 14 (2783)

68 items in total