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Los Angeles Union Station (3)
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Camera: Canon EOS Rebel 2000
Resolution:1658 x 1658 dpi
Dimension:9943 x 6599 pixels
Original Date:2021:06:24 00:00:00
Created on:2021:06:24 00:00:00
Modified on:2021:07:16 20:35:34
Software:Adobe Photoshop Elements 19.0 (Macintosh)
Copyright:Copyright 2021, Ronald Gilbert. Licensed to the public under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
Color ModeRGB
Color SpacesRGB
DescriptionThis is the North Hall of L.A. Union Station. It is usually closed off to the public, but it’s easily seen and photographed. This is the area of the station you have seen most often in movies and TV shows.
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
History Actionsaved, converted, saved
History Changed/, /
History Instance IDxmp.iid:08e97873-3cb7-40b4-8de d-2a4756b27ef9, xmp.iid:e62366c4-c86e-45c3-b81 8-2424add33a75
History Parametersfrom image/tiff to image/jpeg
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop CC 2017.0 (Macintosh), Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.0 (Macintosh)
History When2021:07:16 20:35:34-07:00, 2021:07:16 20:35:34-07:00
ICC Profile NamesRGB IEC61966-2.1
Image DescriptionThis is the North Hall of L.A. Union Station. It is usually closed off to the public, but it’s easily seen and photographed. This is the area of the station you have seen most often in movies and TV shows.
Image Size9943x6599
Metadata Date2021:07:16 20:35:34-07:00
Original Document IDxmp.did:08e97873-3cb7-40b4-8de d-2a4756b27ef9
Photometric InterpretationRGB
Planar ConfigurationChunky
Resolution Unitinches
RightsCopyright 2021, Ronald Gilbert. Licensed to the public under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
Samples Per Pixel3
SubjectBergger Pancro400 film, film, Bergger Pancro400, Bergger, Los Angeles, California, Union Station, Los Angeles Union Station, train station, architecture, windows, lights, shadows
Thumbnail Offset852