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Newest Great Nephew
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Camera: SAMSUNG Electronics Anycall SCH-i760
Focal Length:1.0 mm
Flash:No Flash
Exposure mode:Shutter speed priority AE
Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:1280 x 960 pixels
Modified on:2008:08:23 10:48:29
Software:QuickTime 7.5
Brightness Value0.5714285714
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Exif Version0220
Exposure Compensation+0.571
Focal Plane Resolution Unitcm
Focal Plane X Resolution0.9848484848
Focal Plane Y Resolution0.985915493
Host ComputerMac OS X 10.5.4
ISO1, 2
Image Size480x640
Metering ModeUnknown (120)
Resolution Unitinches
Subject Distance0.999999997 m
Thumbnail Offset886
User CommentDCF 1.0øÝ|'Ì?!.
Y Cb Cr PositioningCentered