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Lunch - Day 1 (4512)
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Camera: Noritsu Koki QSS
Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:2048 x 3087 pixels
Original Date:: :
Digitized Date:: :
Created on:: :
Modified on:2008:07:07 15:37:29
Software:Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 Windows
Aboutuuid:38263ff7-4c75-11dd-b29a-8 71088ee9847
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Exif Version0210
Image Size2048x3087
Metadata Date2008:07:07 15:37:29-08:00
Resolution Unitinches
Thumbnail Offset500
XMP ToolkitXMP toolkit 3.0-28, framework 1.6
Y Cb Cr Coefficients0.299 0.587 0.114
Y Cb Cr PositioningCentered