Triumph GT6 The motive part

From the garage

Memories from projects at the bottom of the garden - in the garage

21 Nov 2017

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147 visits

Triumph GT6 The motive part

The business part of a GT6 with its six cylinder power unit

19 Feb 2011

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121 visits

Mini Countryman Engine bay

All clean and shining - spot the un-deliberate error!

19 Feb 2011

2 favorites

124 visits

Mini Countryman Traveller rebuilt

Bonnet up showing off its clean and shiny engine bay

19 Feb 2011

3 favorites

123 visits

Mini Countryman Traveller rebuilt

Back on the road and solid once more with new wings, solid suspension mounting, rejuvenated Ash wood trim and resprayed inside and out!

19 Feb 2011

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107 visits

Mini Countryman Traveller

Before the rebuild with all the usual Mini under-body issues of tin-worm

21 Nov 2017

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151 visits

1982 Mini work in progress at the bottom of the garden for HFF

HFF from work in progress from 1982

21 Nov 2017

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149 visits

Mini Countryman in 1982 - for H.A.N.W.E

Have a great weekend everyone - back in 1982 and a Mini Countryman waiting for some TLC - scanned from an old Ilford 400 negative

21 Nov 2017

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118 visits

1982 Mini Countryman strip out

Mini stripping progressing and finding all the 'tin worm' action

21 Nov 2017

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161 visits

Triumph GT6 from a 1982 negative

Triumph GT6 waiting for restoration back in 1982, it never happened, work commitments stopped all that.