NGC7023/C4 - Iris Nebula

Nebulae captured using EAA

Folder: EAA Observations
Captures taken during a camera-assisted observing session using a Lodestar camera and Starlight Live software to view objects near real time.

NGC7023/C4 - Iris Nebula

21 Oct 2015 212
The Iris Nebula is a reflection nebula in Cepheus with a bright star in the middle making it a bit challenging.

The Cave Nebula

29 Sep 2015 180
My first attempt using an Ha filter. Captured using a 60mm finder/guider at F3.75.

The Soul Nebula

29 Sep 2015 216
My first attempt using an Ha filter. Captured using a 60mm finder/guider at F3.75.

The Pacman Nebula

29 Sep 2015 189
My first attempt using an Ha filter. Captured using a 60mm finder/guider at F3.75.

NGC7635/C11 - The Bubble Nebula

29 Aug 2015 237
Taken using the RC6 at F9 using 45 second exposures on a night with a full moon. Usually this is best viewed using a Ha filter with a wider field fast scope but the results in this case seem ok.

Sh.2-188 Supernova remnant