M82 - the cigar galaxy

Galaxies captured using EAA

Folder: EAA Observations
Captures taken during a camera-assisted observing session using a Lodestar camera and Starlight Live software to view objects near real time.

M82 - the cigar galaxy

M51 - The WhirlPool Galaxy

05 Feb 2016 204
Incredibly bright, the faint 'nebulosity' which appears to surround its satellite NGC5195 can be seen.

NGC2403 in Camelopardalis

12 Dec 2015 196
This was unexpectedly bright and fizzing with lots of detail, I spent a long time studying this. Part of the M81 group.

M81 - Bodes Nebula in Ursa Major

NGC2146 The 'Dusty Hand' Galaxy

NGC2336 in Camelopardalis

05 Feb 2016 173
I observed a delicate spider like structure to this galaxy. PGC213387 lies just to the right at mag 17.5. I feel I could have got much more detail of the beautiful spiral with better seeing - one to try again on a better night.

M109 - Galaxy in Ursa Major

15 Jan 2016 181
Framed to include some of its fainter neighbours.

NGC925 in Triangulum

12 Dec 2015 201
A lovely barred spiral with plenty of detail and more detail just asking to be teased out. Part of the NGC1023 group.

NGC3718 and 3729 in Ursa Major

05 Feb 2016 164
NGC3718 (top) & 3729 (bottom) plus a nice little group of 4 galaxies to the top right. NGC3718 is also listed as peculiar galaxy ARP214 and the small group is Hickson 56. All galaxies wonderfully framed and a lovely sight:

M108 - Galaxy in Ursa Major

NGC891 - Galaxy in Andromeda

15 Nov 2015 176
An 11th mag edge on spiral about 30 million light years away.

NGC891 - Galaxy in Andromeda

16 Nov 2015 1 184
An 11th mag edge on spiral about 30 million light years away. Other galaxies in the field are circled.

M31 and companions

21 Oct 2015 1 263
Using the 66mm refractor at F4 the image appeared with excellent detail after only 5 seconds!

NGC3359 - Galaxy in Ursa Major

NGC2841 in Ursa Major

05 Feb 2016 165
This has a nice spiral structure which I didn't manage to bring out very well, but there is a nice cluster of galaxies to the bottom right and a number faint galaxies to the top left.

NGC4236 in Draco

05 Feb 2016 191
Also known as Caldwell 3 but surprisingly faint, it's a barred spiral galaxy and part of the M81 group of galaxies.

IC2574 - Coddington's Nebula

NGC4036 (left) & 4041 in Ursa Major

15 Jan 2016 182
An interesting galaxy pair separated by 470,000 light years, NGC4041 is a pretty face on spiral

41 items in total