Mercury Transit 9th May 2016

Solar System

Folder: Astrophotography
These shots are taken using eyepiece projection to achieve a reasonable image scale (ie: high magnification). The shots were taken using a Celestron C8 connected to a Baader Hyperion 10mm eyepiece and images captured with an unmodified Canon EOS1100D using Backyard EOS software.

Mercury Transit 9th May 2016

08 Apr 2016 1 179
Single expsure taken under hazy cloud using following equipment: - 72mm refractor on an undriven altaz mount - Canon 1100D using eyepiece projection with a 5mm BST eyepiece - Herschel Wedge

Mercury Transit 9th May 2016

09 May 2016 151
Image generated from a 14 second video under hazy cloud using following equipment: - 72mm refractor on an undriven altaz mount - Canon 1100D using eyepiece projection with a 5mm BST eyepiece - Herschel Wedge Processed in Registax and Paint Shop Pro.