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Camera: PENTAX K-5 II s
Exposure:0.005 sec. (1/200)
Focal Length:300.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 450.0 mm)
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Aperture-priority AE
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Dimension:1500 x 994 pixels
Original Date:2016:12:02 13:27:28
Created on:2016:12:02 13:27:28
Modified on:2016:12:02 16:59:32
Software:Adobe Photoshop Elements 13.0 (Macintosh)
Already AppliedTrue
Auto Lateral CA0
Auto White Version134348800
Blacks 2012-18
Blue Hue0
Blue Saturation0
CFA Pattern[Blue,Green][Green,Red]
Camera ProfileAdobe Standard
Camera Profile DigestBC0D5E96D91F4A2A7E116CE7A8F5BA AD
Circle Of Confusion0.020 mm
Clarity 2012+13
Color ModeRGB
Color Noise Reduction25
Color Noise Reduction Detail50
Color Noise Reduction Smoothness50
Color SpacesRGB
Color Temperature5500
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Contrast 2012+13
Convert To GrayscaleFalse
Custom RenderedNormal
Date Created2016:12:02 13:27:28
Date/Time Created2016:12:02 13:27:28+00:00
Defringe Green Amount0
Defringe Green Hue Hi60
Defringe Green Hue Lo40
Defringe Purple Amount0
Defringe Purple Hue Hi70
Defringe Purple Hue Lo30
Derived From Document IDxmp.did:a9437247-24cd-4f3f-a96 3-b064652fa9d6
Derived From Instance IDxmp.iid:84e47442-3efb-4064-a76 5-4f0dcc9d06c9
Derived From Original Document IDD2EDE4B19E8E68768824623D3514A6 38
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Exif Version0221
Exposure 2012+0.65
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure ModeAuto
Field Of View4.6 deg
Focal Length In 35mm Format450 mm
Focal Plane Resolution Unitcm
Focal Plane X Resolution2079.219971
Focal Plane Y Resolution2079.219971
Grain Amount0
Green Hue0
Green Saturation0
Has CropFalse
Has SettingsTrue
Highlights 2012-18
History Actionderived, saved, saved, converted, derived, saved
History Changed/, /, /
History Instance IDxmp.iid:a9437247-24cd-4f3f-a96 3-b064652fa9d6, xmp.iid:84e47442-3efb-4064-a76 5-4f0dcc9d06c9, xmp.iid:e1b0fcd8-552f-45b8-822 c-2d7ebee6de60
History Parametersconverted from image/x-pentax-raw to image/tiff, from image/tiff to image/jpeg, converted from image/tiff to image/jpeg
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop Camera Raw 9.0 (Macintosh), Adobe Photoshop Elements 13.0 (Macintosh), Adobe Photoshop Elements 13.0 (Macintosh)
History When2016:12:02 16:56:23-05:00, 2016:12:02 16:59:32-05:00, 2016:12:02 16:59:32-05:00
Hue Adjustment Aqua0
Hue Adjustment Blue0
Hue Adjustment Green0
Hue Adjustment Magenta0
Hue Adjustment Orange0
Hue Adjustment Purple0
Hue Adjustment Red0
Hue Adjustment Yellow0
Hyperfocal Distance561.63 m
ICC Profile NamesRGB IEC61966-2.1
Image Size1500x994
Lenssmc PENTAX-FA 100-300mm F4.7-5.8
Lens IDsmc PENTAX-FA 100-300mm F4.7-5.8
Lens Info100-300mm f/4.7-5.8
Lens Manual Distortion Amount0
Lens Modelsmc PENTAX-FA 100-300mm F4.7-5.8
Lens Profile Enable0
Lens Profile SetupLensDefaults
Light Value9.6
Luminance Adjustment Aqua0
Luminance Adjustment Blue0
Luminance Adjustment Green0
Luminance Adjustment Magenta0
Luminance Adjustment Orange0
Luminance Adjustment Purple0
Luminance Adjustment Red0
Luminance Adjustment Yellow0
Luminance Noise Reduction Contrast13
Luminance Noise Reduction Detail50
Luminance Smoothing12
Metadata Date2016:12:02 16:59:32-05:00
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Original Document IDD2EDE4B19E8E68768824623D3514A6 38
Parametric Darks0
Parametric Highlight Split75
Parametric Highlights0
Parametric Lights0
Parametric Midtone Split50
Parametric Shadow Split25
Parametric Shadows0
Perspective Aspect0
Perspective Horizontal0
Perspective Rotate0.0
Perspective Scale100
Perspective Upright0
Perspective Vertical0
Post Crop Vignette Amount0
Process Version6.7
Raw File NameIMGP8664.PEF
Red Hue0
Red Saturation0
Resolution Unitinches
Saturation Adjustment Aqua0
Saturation Adjustment Blue0
Saturation Adjustment Green0
Saturation Adjustment Magenta0
Saturation Adjustment Orange0
Saturation Adjustment Purple0
Saturation Adjustment Red0
Saturation Adjustment Yellow0
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.5
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Shadow Tint0
Shadows 2012-18
Sharpen Detail25
Sharpen Edge Masking54
Sharpen Radius+1.0
Split Toning Balance0
Split Toning Highlight Hue0
Split Toning Highlight Saturation0
Split Toning Shadow Hue0
Split Toning Shadow Saturation0
Subject Distance RangeDistant
Thumbnail Offset898
Tone Curve0, 0, 32, 22, 64, 56, 128, 128, 192, 196, 255, 255
Tone Curve Blue0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve Green0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve NameMedium Contrast
Tone Curve Name 2012Linear
Tone Curve PV20120, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve PV2012 Blue0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve PV2012 Green0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve PV2012 Red0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve Red0, 0, 255, 255
Vignette Amount0
White BalanceAuto
Whites 2012+5
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.5-c021 79.154911, 2013/10/29-11:47:16