My friend Ken and me, fortifying ourselves in preparation for the drawing of straws to determine which of us will be in the costume tomorrow.  L.A., 1990-1998

Work, Play, Turning Gray in Candyland, 1972-2001

27 Jun 2009

132 visits

Federal Court Gang, Chicago, 1972-73

The grease that keeps the wheels of justice turning. First job after leaving the army.

27 Jun 2009

121 visits

Federal Court Gang, 1972-73

Guess who's the new guy. Hey, check out the sign, ladies...50-cent cocktails on Thursday with these wild and crazy guys, call in sick Friday!!

27 Jun 2009

127 visits

Washington, DC Candy Man, 1973-79

Not a scene from MASH, just a bunch of candy salesmen trying to kill themselves on a spring week-end.

27 Jun 2009

126 visits

Washington, DC Workies 1973-79

Six fools going white water rafting after two solid weeks of rain, and a seventh fool taking the photo.

27 Jun 2009

122 visits

Washington, DC Workies 1973-79

Putting in. Can you hear the banjos? Before the day was done we were all grateful for the life jackets.

27 Jun 2009

118 visits

Washington, DC Workie, 1973-79

Keeping the world safe from chocolate mess.

15 Mar 1979

4 favorites


86 visits

Candymans, 1979

Pretending to be a half-dozen wild and crazy guys. Submitted to the Vintage Photos Theme Park for the theme, "The Seventies"/

19 Mar 1979

2 favorites

74 visits

Who can take a sunrise, Sprinkle it with dew, Cover it with chocolate and a miracle or two?

People with whom I toiled, 1979. (How difficult can it be to sell candy?) National sales meeting, M&M/Mars.

27 Jun 2009

131 visits

Moved on to New Jersey, 1979-1988. Here, on a field trip to Milwaukee, In a Kohl's Grocery

35 items in total