Mary, 1972


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45th anniversary of our first date, fall of 1967.…

23 Mar 2010 131

College Days, 1965 - 1969

05 Dec 2009 132
Mary and me at the Phi Delt Spring Formal. Me, in my new Fred Shubach suit with the too short pants.

Mary, 1970, receiving messages from the big giant…

07 Sep 1970 82
Remeber these brain cookers? You could latch it up and it had a handy carrying handle. Yikes. But my sweetie got a lot of reading done under this thing.

Someone's in the kitchen in the Vintage Photos The…

07 Sep 2007 1 1 179
While I was packing to leave for the Army the following day, my intended, my mother, and my sister were preparing dinner...and drinking a bottle of champagne EACH in the process. Can you tell? Ugh, those '70s colors!

Army Times - 1970-71

07 Sep 2007 79
I was a little astonished to come upon this scene of frivolity on the eve of my departure for military service. Yuk it up, girls.

Army Times - 1970-71

07 Sep 2007 164
Dinner is served.

Army Times - 1970-71

05 Dec 2009 191
I've been in basic training for eight weeks and I'm REALLY happy to see you.

Our Wedding - 1970

15 Dec 2016 56
Smiling a nevous smile as she arrives at the church

Our Wedding - 1970

Our Wedding - 1970

03 Jan 2010 117
Ready to go. Betty and Mary

Our Wedding - 1970

Our Wedding - 1970


Our Wedding - 1970

09 Jul 2009 151
My sister, Karen, Mary's Sister and Maid of Honor, Lisa, and Mary

Our Wedding - 1970

09 Jul 2009 118
Rick and Mary cut the cake


202 items in total