Plymouth Plantation, 1987

1987, Plimouth Plantation

11 Jul 2009

104 visits

Plymouth Plantation, 1987

Original quonset hut

11 Jul 2009

100 visits

Plymouth Plantation, 1987


11 Jul 2009

103 visits

Plymouth Plantation, 1987

11 Jul 2009

101 visits

Plymouth Plantation, 1987

Rachel and Lauren

11 Jul 2009

114 visits


11 Jul 2009

99 visits

Plymouth Plantation, 1987

11 Jul 2009

118 visits

They look like they're panhandling

Emily got a raging eye infection we believed from the water in Cape Cod Bay and needed to wear Mary's sunglasses.

11 Jul 2009

109 visits

Employee of the monthe

11 Jul 2009

96 visits

We apprenticed her to a bowl maker

11 items in total