1975 - Year of the baby

1975 - Elise, portrait attmept, about 7 months old

05 Apr 1975

116 visits

1975 - Year of the baby

Grandma Betty prepares Elise for her close-ups.

05 Apr 1975

2 favorites


137 visits

1975 - Year of the baby

Grandma Betty prepares Elise for her close-ups in the Vintage Photos Theme Park.

05 Apr 1975

2 favorites

125 visits

1975 - Year of the baby


05 Apr 1975

2 favorites

140 visits

1975 - Year of the baby

Betty prepares Elise for her first photo session.

05 Apr 1975

2 favorites

131 visits

1975 - Year of the baby


05 Apr 1975

96 visits

1975 - Year of the baby

05 Apr 1975

113 visits

1975 - Year of the baby

07 Apr 1975

2 favorites

1 comment

114 visits

1975 - Year of the baby

Elise, HOLDING A BALL, in the Vintage Photos Theme Park. I KNEW this would be important one day!