Karen and Rick, 1963

1962-1967, Countryside Lake

Rick, Lady and Karen, 1962

Bob Blain, Karen and me, Countryside Lake, about 1…

22 Apr 2010 145
Looking groovy in saddle shoes.

The '60s: What'll you have? The basement bar.

30 May 2013 131
This is one of a series of Polaroid photos my dad took to send to his parents. He wrote extensive notes on the back of each one but never sent them. The ink seeped through and etched the picture.

Summer of '62

Mom and Lady, c. 1962

Mom, knee-deep in zinnias, 1962

Juene femme sans stile.

08 May 2010 142
Polaroid c. 1962

Mom, springtime swingtime. c. 1962

Children of the corn, Shirley and Alice, with a fe…

08 May 2010 2 2 213
For "FIELDS, CROPS, PASTURES" theme in the Vintage Photos Theme Park.

Mom and Shirley Heiss, 1962

08 May 2010 1 140
Looking for apples to pick

Have you heard the one about the county Ag Agent a…

08 May 2010 156
c. 1962

Shirley Heiss and Dad, 1962

Grands, Lady and Dad. c. 1962

08 May 2010 1 121
Screenplay by Tennessee Williams

Dad, as gentlman farmer and me as the son with fai…

Lawn crew, 1963

08 May 2010 120
Submitted to the Vintage Photos Theme Park for the theme BIRDBATHS OR OTHER LAWN ORNAMENTS.


1963 Vacation to New Orleans and Biloxi

08 May 2010 122
Cooking by the Hilton pool

151 items in total