Whadaya want to do today, Fred?

2012 At Home

28 Mar 2012

124 visits

Whadaya want to do today, Fred?

Rosey-fingered dawn cracking on the far hill.

09 Apr 2012

105 visits

Acme Model 32 Animated Roadrunner Decoy

09 Apr 2012

108 visits


14 Apr 2012

121 visits

Hooded Oriole (male)

A flickr friend will lay his child to rest today and I ache for the grief of this man and his family, whom I have never met and for the loss of his beautiful child who I only know in his pictures. I am amazed at how powerfully the photos we share can draw us together.

15 Apr 2012

110 visits

Hooded Oriole (female)

29 Apr 2012

97 visits

Cousins and a portly papa sharing a laugh They both turned two this week.

I need to cut back on my wine or my beer but I've heard they both have health benefits... What's a person to do?

28 Apr 2012

95 visits

Lauren, setting up the balloons at the boys' b-day party

28 Apr 2012

89 visits

Jude and Everett Birthday Weekend


28 Apr 2012

119 visits

Jude and Everett Birthday Weekend

Jazzman, take my blues away
29 items in total