74 today in New England

Self Portraits

74 today in New England

Bonding with Birch

IMG 6002

Father's Day T-shirt

Hanging in the hammock with Stella

Toast to 50

Christmas T

2020 Celebration of 50 Years Married

20 Jul 2020 1 2 80
I've grown accustomed to her face She almost makes the day begin I've grown accustomed to the tune that She whistles night and noon Her smiles, her frowns Her ups, her downs Are second nature to me now Like breathing out and breathing in Safely locked away awhile, with her I'm glad to be Who else would tolerate my fits of rage And my ennui I've grown accustomed to her look Accustomed to her voice Accustomed to her face (I think that's her face)

You can tell a man who snoozes by the company he c…

Hiding in plain sight. We introverts have been tra…

Pandemic Selfie to Reassure the Children

Oliver, over to keep me company

IMG 2258

Lauren and the Rents

Thanks for the wreath, Karen

Daycare for Ollie

Me and my shadow

Getting acquainted with Stella

157 items in total