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31625 with a Reading to Guildford freight
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Resolution:3200 x 3200 dpi
Dimension:1720 x 1142 pixels
Created on:2016:08:13 13:27:19+01:00
Modified on:2016:11:05 20:33:10
Software:Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
Color ModeRGB
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Exif Version0221
History2016-08-13T13:31:42+01:00.File img271.jpg opened.2016-08-13T13:36:54+01: 00.File C:\Users\Polyrus\AppData\Roami ng\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\AutoRecover\_img2719620947 AAE050EDF61C03A816B5B1ADA.psb saved.2016-08-13T13:37:07+01:0 0.File img271.jpg closed.2016-08-13T13:37:07+01: 00.File E:\My Pictures\Scans v700\img271.jpg saved.2016-08-13T13:45:28+01:0 0.File 31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy.jpg opened.2016-08-13T13:50:16+01: 00.File C:\Users\Polyrus\AppData\Roami ng\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\AutoRecover\_31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy7080349E8009BD2CD801D02D5F D3ADAB.psb saved.2016-08-13T13:55:05+01:0 0.File C:\Users\Polyrus\AppData\Roami ng\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\AutoRecover\_31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy7080349E8009BD2CD801D02D5F D3ADAB.psb saved.2016-08-13T13:58:06+01:0 0.File 31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy.jpg closed.2016-08-13T13:58:06+01: 00.File E:\My Pictures\Railways\Railways steam\31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy.jpg saved.2016-11-05T19:25Z.File 31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy.jpg opened.2016-11-05T19:28:38Z.Fi le 31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy.jpg closed.2016-11-05T19:28:51Z.Fi le 31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy.jpg closed.2016-11-05T19:28:51Z.Fi le E:\My Pictures\Railways\Railways steam\31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy.jpg saved.2016-11-05T19:31:08Z.Fil e 31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy.jpg opened.2016-11-05T19:35:56Z.Fi le C:\Users\Polyrus\AppData\Roami ng\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\AutoRecover\_31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy7080349E8009BD2CD801D02D5F D3ADAB.psb saved.2016-11-05T20:33:10Z.Fil e 31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy.jpg closed.2016-11-05T20:33:10Z.Fi le E:\My Pictures\Railways\Railways steam\31625 with Reading-Guildford freight just before Ash 15-06-63 by late Trevor B Owen copyright released not original ip Copy.jpg saved.
History Actionsaved, saved
History Changed/, /
History Instance IDxmp.iid:9EA97E464461E611BFCBEE F37E9ED920, xmp.iid:6CA80F0D86A3E6118E88E0 4138115F98
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
History When2016:08:13 13:37:07+01:00, 2016:11:05 20:33:10Z
ICC Profile NamesRGB IEC61966-2.1
Image Size1720x1142
Legacy IPTC DigestD3C99F4B3D8DEA288548356A84159C 2B
Metadata Date2016:11:05 20:33:10Z
Original Document ID20C8AA2533D9DE5835E9BC13D174F8 78
Photometric InterpretationRGB
Resolution Unitinches
Samples Per Pixel3
Thumbnail Offset394
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.3-c011 66.145661, 2012/02/06-14:56:27