Witch's Hat and Finger


Peanut Butter Bread, Jelly, Jam, and Bananas

21 Jan 2013 1 2 200
Peanut butter bread I baked for a friend who recently had a knee replaced plus some jam and jelly for the bread and bananas which she requested. (DSC00174)


19 Feb 2013 3 5 436
I think I'll make soup. (IMG_4349) Another Link in the Chain - From cooked vegetable to fresh vegetables

Resolution for the New Year


04 Jan 2013 3 209
GIven to me for Christmas. (DSC03222af)

Ornate Floral Cake

04 Oct 2012 1 2 168
Cake to be auctioned off at a fundraising event in Gadsden, Alabama. (IMG_6187)

Raspberry Cream Cake

04 Oct 2012 152
Cake to be auctioned off at a fundraising event in Gadsden, Alabama. (IMG_6218)

Fruit Topped Cake

04 Oct 2012 1 186
Cake to be auctioned off at a fundraising event in Gadsden, Alabama. (IMG_6215)

Sunflower Cake with Ladybugs

04 Oct 2012 163
Cake to be auctioned off at a fundraising event in Gadsden, Alabama. (IMG_6188)

Valentine Cake

09 Feb 2013 250
At a church's Valentine's Sweetheart Dinner (IMG_3740)

Christmas Cheese

25 Dec 2002 187
Scanned 35mm negative. (9E009)

Sharing tea with a little friend

01 Sep 1998 1 267
Steve Matheson sharing his iced tea with an origami mouse friend at the 3rd Southeastern Origami Festival in Charlotte, North Carolina. The mouse was designed by the late Eric Joisel from France. Scanned 35mm negative. (7W005)

Veggie Pizza

21 Jan 2013 1 1 165
Part of a care package for a friend who recently had a knee replacement (DSC00176)

Food Plate

30 Nov 2012 146

Barbecue dinner

06 Oct 2012 205
The volunteer fire department holds barbecue fund raisers twice a year. (IMG_6417)


15 Nov 2012 220
At the Mayor's luncheon, a benefit for the Coosa Valley YMCA (DSC00158)

Apple Pie

22 Nov 2012 187
I baked it to take to a friend's for Thanksgiving (IMG_0475)

Lunch at the Wildflower Cafe

01 Nov 2012 2 2 280
Spinach quiche, tomato pie, fruit and a strawberry crepe at the Wildflower Cafe, Mentone, Alabama (IMG_8949)

Hummingbird Cake

01 Nov 2012 245
At the Mentone Cafe, Mentone, Alabama (IMG_8950)

62 items in total