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Lincoln Centennial Horse
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Resolution:150 x 150 dpi
Dimension:1050 x 750 pixels
Created on:2014:07:21 19:20:38-05:00
Modified on:2014:08:19 06:16:35
Software:Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.0 Windows
Copyright:© M. Winslow-Cole 2014
ArtistM. Winslow-Cole
Color ModeRGB
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
CreatorM. Winslow-Cole
Derived From Document IDxmp.did:05CCD7021010E411A363A9 3ACFFFF38F
Derived From Instance IDxmp.iid:BF217F6D1211E4118134D4 4CFEECF2E0
Derived From Original Document IDxmp.did:05CCD7021010E411A363A9 3ACFFFF38F
DescriptionBy master carver Marcus Charles Illions on the B&B Carousell, Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York. His signature was found on the horse during restoration. It is the only Illions horse on the carousel. It is one of four created in 1909 to celebrate the centennial of Abraham Lincoln’s birth. The other three are in private collections. Apparently, an earlier owner had removed one of the horses to give to his daughter before selling the carousel. The subsequent owner then filled the hole with the Illions show horse. It is the most ornate horse on the carousel. Its body armor is covered in colorful rhinestones, decorative scales, and a relief of Lincoln’s profile..The carousel has 50 hand-carved horses and two chariots, as well as a 66-key German-made Bruder Gebruder organ. It is the work of William F. Mangels, a builder and an inventor of early-20th-century amusement rides who had a workshop on 5th Street and Surf Avenue in Coney Island. Mangels patented a new type of gearing that improved the up and down movement of non-stationary horses. Although originally built in 1919 in Coney Island with a frame dating from 1906, it spent its first decade and a half in New Jersey, possibly in Asbury Park. In the early 1920s it received a new set of horses that were carved by Charles Carmel, one of Coney Island’s most celebrated carousel makers. It was finally brought to Coney Island in the 1930's after being purchased by William Bishoff and Herman Brienstein who renamed it the “B&B Carousell” (with the two “L”s). By 2005, the B&B Carousell was the last surviving carousel at Coney Island. Its owners planned to dismantle it and auction it off, horse by horse but the city stepped in and paid $1.8 million to buy the intact merry-go-round. It was sent to Ohio where another $1.7 was spent for its restoration which took 8 years. (DSC00473 )
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
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History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop Elements 12.0 Windows, Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.0 Windows, Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.0 Windows, Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.0 Windows, Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.0 Windows
History When2014:07:20 09:25:28-05:00, 2014:07:20 16:15:50-05:00, 2014:07:21 16:11:34-05:00, 2014:07:21 16:11:34-05:00, 2014:08:19 06:16:35-05:00
ICC Profile NamesRGB IEC61966-2.1
Image DescriptionBy master carver Marcus Charles Illions on the B&B Carousell, Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York. His signature was found on the horse during restoration. It is the only Illions horse on the carousel. It is one of four created in 1909 to celebrate the centennial of Abraham Lincoln’s birth. The other three are in private collections. Apparently, an earlier owner had removed one of the horses to give to his daughter before selling the carousel. The subsequent owner then filled the hole with the Illions show horse. It is the most ornate horse on the carousel. Its body armor is covered in colorful rhinestones, decorative scales, and a relief of Lincoln’s profile..The carousel has 50 hand-carved horses and two chariots, as well as a 66-key German-made Bruder Gebruder organ. It is the work of William F. Mangels, a builder and an inventor of early-20th-century amusement rides who had a workshop on 5th Street and Surf Avenue in Coney Island. Mangels patented a new type of gearing that improved the up and down movement of non-stationary horses. Although originally built in 1919 in Coney Island with a frame dating from 1906, it spent its first decade and a half in New Jersey, possibly in Asbury Park. In the early 1920s it received a new set of horses that were carved by Charles Carmel, one of Coney Island’s most celebrated carousel makers. It was finally brought to Coney Island in the 1930's after being purchased by William Bishoff and Herman Brienstein who renamed it the “B&B Carousell” (with the two “L”s). By 2005, the B&B Carousell was the last surviving carousel at Coney Island. Its owners planned to dismantle it and auction it off, horse by horse but the city stepped in and paid $1.8 million to buy the intact merry-go-round. It was sent to Ohio where another $1.7 was spent for its restoration which took 8 years. (DSC00473 )
Image Size1050x750
Legacy IPTC DigestF9827047C6B5C44F460C9A03EF1DDE 61
Metadata Date2014:08:19 06:16:35-05:00
Original Document IDxmp.did:05CCD7021010E411A363A9 3ACFFFF38F
Photometric InterpretationRGB
Resolution Unitinches
Rights© M. Winslow-Cole 2014
Samples Per Pixel3
Subjecthorse, carousel, carousel horse, Lincoln Centennial Horse, Illions, Marcus Charles Illions, B&B Carousell, Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York, SONY a77
Thumbnail Offset2358
TitleThe Lincoln Centennial Horse
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.3-c011 66.146729, 2012/05/03-13:40:03