Christmas in the Entente Hospital - Malta - 1915

Percy Pritchard's album

Folder: Family photos

Christmas in the Entente Hospital - Malta - 1915

20 Sep 2015 1 315
Servicemen wounded or suffering from frostbite at Gallipolli and other warzones in the eastern Mediterranean, recovering in one of several large hospitals set up in Malta during WW1. Added to the Vintage Photos Theme Park events and celebrations weekly theme.

1915 August The Hereford's - Rushden - Northants

20 Sep 2015 1 4 538
The location and date are written on the back of the photo. Percy Pritchard was at the back, in front of the shop's doorway. The caption is mine.

Percy Pritchard with Deutch

01 Oct 2015 17 17 463
The negative must have had some damage as the print had black and white areas on the left of this shot.I have rebuilt the left side of the dog's tripod and patched up the lower parts of the dog. I don't know when this was taken, but judging by Percy's appearance I guess it is just before WW2.

The glider Percy flew - 1930

04 Oct 2015 3 254
I wonder if the kink in the starboard wing was damage or shows where the structure was jointed for folding for transport.

Percy on a glider 1930

04 Oct 2015 2 6 341
When the Second World War came, Percy's glider skills saw him commissioned in the Royal Air Force and posted to train assault glider pilots.

Percy, Doris & Marjory, Phyllis & Lizzie on motorc…

04 Oct 2015 2 347
Marjory's Douglas and Percy's Harley Davidson seen together. There was room for the photographer on the pillion of the Harley, I guess!

Phyllis, Elsie, Doris, Muriel, Valerie & Peter wit…

Muriel Sutters with Percy's former car at his fune…

05 Nov 2015 895
Muriel is my late mother. The car is a 19 litre Mercedes Maybach tourer, which Percy Pritchard owned in earlier years and which formed part of his funeral cortege. The noisy aero-engined car needed special permission from the Hereford Cathedral authorities before it could enter the cathedral precincts.