Two Medieval Knights with Standards

Medieval wargames figures

Folder: Military, Naval & Air Force
28mm wargames figures from the Essex Miniatures range, including a set of 30 standard bearers with the figures and bases by Bill Brewer, one of the foremost figure painters in the wargaming community in the '60s, 70's & 80's. The standards were painted by me. The set was for a customer of Bill's and may have been sent to him in the USA.

Two Medieval Knights with Standards

Two Medieval Knights with Standards - one a Scots

Two Medieval Knights with Heraldic Standards

Two Medieval Knights with French Standards

Two Medieval Knights with Burgundian Standards

Two late Medieval Knights with Burgundian Standard…

Single mounted knight withThe Pennon-banner of Edw…

Single mounted knight with The Percy's standard

Single mounted knight with Richard IIIs standard

Single mounted knight with heraldic standard

05 Sep 2015 219
The hand-painted standard was about 40mm or 1.5" square. Please see the album notes for the background to this set of figures.

Single mounted knight with green & gold standard

Single mounted knight with blue white & yellow sta…

Single mounted knight with black & gold standard

A set of 30 mounted knights with standards

04 Sep 2015 1 1 268
Many of the individual figures in this set have been uploaded, but, rather than overload my opening page with 16 photos of 28mm wargaming knights, I have kept them private. If there is interest in them I can switch them to public view. For a few years in the 70's & early '80s I painted figures for one of the country's leading figure painters, Bill Brewer. I often painted the 'one-off' figures that he would have found uneconomical to paint himself. So medieval knights, with their shields, standards and horse caparisons, often came my way. Standards for all periods were another subject that he entrusted to me. The staffs were made from piano wire, with the ends hammered and shaped into spearpoints. The flag or standard's fabric was usually made from a slice of aluminium drink can. The maximum length of a standard was about three inches - the square ones were about 1.25" square. I thought I would scan the photos that I made to record our work and upload them, at this time, to demonstrate that I have had an interest in heraldry for some time. I am however no expert. I cannot, in most cases, remember the nobles whose standards I painted. I sold a number of my military books when I moved south and also took up photography as my main hobby. Several key heraldry books were among them. So many of the photos have rather vague descriptions. This set was to be a desk ornament for a customer, of Bill Brewer, who lived in the USA.

Medieval Knights with Standards

Knights with Standards of the King of France & the…

Medieval Knights - 25mm Essex Miniatures

03 Feb 2011 378
Medieval Knights painted by me for Bill Brewer. I painted dozens of these knights - Essex Miniatures 25mm wargaming figures. 25mm was the approximate height of a foot figure.

Medieval knights from the Essex Miniatures range,…

03 Feb 2011 218
The group of figures on the left were part of a set of 20+ figures mounted loose on a base for someone to have on his desk.