UTC harbourside engine sheds - 31.3.2014


Folder: Seaford, Bishopstone & Newhaven
These photos record, from a distance, the demolition and conservation work connected with the building of a new University Technical College at Newhaven in East Sussex. To see photos of the inside you can go to www.carlottaluke.com/architecture-and-restoration/utecharbourside-renovation-project
To see the new college's prospectus go to www.utc-harbourside.org
I have no connection with the college.…  (read more)

UTC harbourside engine sheds - 31.3.2014

31 Mar 2014 1 455
I have found some recent views of the inside at www.abandoned-derelict.co.uk/newhaven-locomotive-workshop-urbex 2016 this website has now been deleted or moved.

The carpentry workshops - 31.3.2014

31 Mar 2014 1 328
This will be the college cafe and socializing area.

Engine shed demolition - 11.9.2014

Overall view - 11.9.2014

The marine workshops offices - 12.9.2014

12 Sep 2014 257
The cast iron columns from the old engine sheds, seen here on the left, will be incorporated in the new building or redeployed in other local developments.

The marine workshops stripped roof - 9.10.2014

02 Oct 2014 295
Other people were quicker off the mark - there are many internal views at www.abandoned-derelict.co.uk/newhaven-marine-engineering-workshop

The marine workshops with some interior details -…

The marine workshops - interior details - 9.10.201…

The marine workshops south wall interior details -…

09 Oct 2014 1 272
These will be refitted as workshops and laboratories for the engineering courses for 14 to 18 year-olds.

The marine workshops - 23.10.2014

The marine workshops - 25.10.2014

Newhaven high tide East bank demolition site - 9.1…

09 Oct 2014 301
The land behind that site slopes away possibly by as much as 2 metres.

Yet more dismantling 20 12 2014

26 Oct 2014 1 231
31.12.2014 - Last time I went past the red brick storey appeared to have been dismantled, leaving just the girders. The overhead crane mechanism had disappeared. I was hoping that was a feature they would keep, even if it was just ornamental. Maybe it will reappear.

More courses of brick removed 20 12 2014

The first floor is in - UTC - Newhaven - 30.3.2015

UTC in the former carpentry workshops - Newhaven -…

UTC publicity in Newhaven - 29.9.2015

29 Sep 2015 274
As it has been a time since I uploaded anything new in this album, perhaps I should explain that I am someone who passes this site most weeks and has been observing its progress from across the Sussex Ouse. There is a photographer who has been recording the buildings from the early stages, prior to the demolition of some buildings and the gutting of others. Her website is at www.carlottaluke.com/architecture-and-restoration/utecharbourside-renovation-project I am pleased to see Newhaven having new life being breathed into it by this college and by becoming the service base for the Rampion off-shore wind farm, which is being developed between Newhaven and Brighton.

UTC Super Moon high tide - 29.9.2015

29 Sep 2015 266
This shot shows the current state of the UTC's development. The former engineering workshops on the left are still work in progress. The old carpentry workshop has been converted and there are portable buildings on the right, which I assume are being used as classrooms. There are more behind but I don't know how many are used by the students and how many are construction-related. The college has had an intake of Year 11 pupils, but the full range of courses won't be on offer until next September. The college's website is www.utc-harbourside.org

21 items in total