Antiochus & Hercules plaster cast Dagi, S Turkey  - The Ashmolean Museum - Oxford - 24.6.2014

The Ashmolean Museum Oxford - June 2014

Folder: Arts & artefacts - Museums, galleries, exhibitions, music and other art forms
Photos taken by my Grandson, Dan, and I on a fairly brief first visit to the museum.

Antiochus & Hercules plaster cast Dagi, S Turkey…

Quest for knowledge - Academic debate? - The Ashmo…

Augustus' head c 26BC - Ashmolean Museum - 24.6.20…

Brass ewer India c1525 - The Ashmolean Museum - Ox…

Cast Gallery - The Ashmolean Museum - Oxford - 24.…

Dish with Roses & Tulips - Turkey c1600AD - The As…

Greek grave stele 330BC - The Ashmolean Museum - O…

Gladiator frieze - The Ashmolean Museum - Oxford…

Greek grave stele 400BC - The Ashmolean Museum - O…

Greenware vase from north China c6th century - T…

Head of an ascetic - Gandhara - Pakistan - The As…

Grotesque face - Mathura, India - c200AD - The Ash…

Holy Sepulchre model Jerusalem C18th - The Ashmole…

Henry Moore's Three-Piece Reclining Figure No 2 -…

24 Jun 2014 1 311
Another Henry Moore can be found at on a Southwark council estate.

Quails on an Iranian Fritware dish, c170 - The As…

Ju Ming 'Taichi Arch' 2000 - The Ashmolean Museum…

Phil's & Dan's first visit - The Ashmolean Museum…

Ramji Das - Mararaja Pratap Singh - c1782 - The As…

28 items in total