Bombus Terrestris on a Teazle - East Blatchington Pond - 22.7.2013

East Blatchington Pond, Seaford, Sussex

Folder: Seaford, Bishopstone & Newhaven
Many of these were originally in my Seaford & Bishopstone album, but I brought them together with some I had on file, as the local community group that looks after the pond wanted a selection of photos for their annual report. The pond is in a valley in the centre of Seaford. As well as cleaning the pond and keeping the vegetation under control, the group has planted shrubs and perennials that enc…  (read more)

Bombus Terrestris on a Teazle - East Blatchington…

Carp -East Blatchington Pond - 6.6.2013

06 Jun 2013 319
-- at least I think it is a carp - probably dumped in the pond, having out-grown someone's garden pond.

Mallard couple - East Blatchington Pond - 21.2.201…

East Blatchington Pond - 17.3.2014

Small Skipper butterfly - East Blatchington Pond -…

Mrs Mallard and the daffodils - 19.4.2013

Water Lily - East Blatchington Pond - 22.7.2013

Mallard duck & duckling - East Blatchington Pond -…

Goldfish in East Blatchington Pond - 22.7.2013

22 Jul 2013 4 2 263
Two photos of life in our local pond - with something of an oriental look to them.

Far East Blatchington Pond - 22.7.2013

22 Jul 2013 2 203
The other of two photos of life in our local pond - with something of an oriental look to them. The pond is on a chalk hill, hence the milky look to the water.

Moorhen & juvenile - East Blatchington Pond - 18.1…

Mallard duck EB pond 18 1 11

Grey Wagtail - East Blatchington Pond - 2.3.2011

18 Jan 2011 242
A solitary visitor for a couple of years, but I didn't spot it this spring.

Cormorant - East Blatchington Pond - 16.10.2010

Sparrowhawks over East Blatchington Pond - 27.8.20…

Gull sees off Rook - East Blatchington Pond - 13.8…

Grey Wagtail - East Blatchington Pond - 27.1.2012

White-tailed Bumble-bee on a Rosebay Willow-herb -…

89 items in total