Modelworld 2014 - Sir Sagramore - South Downs Light Railway - Brighton 22.2.2014

Brighton Modelworld 2014

Folder: Arts & artefacts - Museums, galleries, exhibitions, music and other art forms

Modelworld 2014 - Sir Sagramore - South Downs Ligh…

Modelworld 2014 - Horsham Historics - Brighton 22.…

Modelworld 2014 - Lifeboat Enthusiasts' Society -…

Modelworld 2014 - Medway Models - Brighton 22.2.20…

Modelworld 2014 - Dulwich Vale 00 Railway - Bright…

22 Feb 2014 453
I am not sure why this Southern Region rural station has acquired the name of an inner London location. It is one man's go at creating an OO layout with the minimum radius that seemed workable.

Modelworld 2014 Beech Hurst Park Miniature Railway…

Modelworld 2014 Newchapel Junction O gauge railway…

Modelworld 2014 - Newchapel Junction O gauge railw…

Modelworld 2014 - Polegate & District Model Engine…

Modelworld 2014 - Southern Model Lifeboat Society…

Visitors to Brighton - 22.2.2014

22 Feb 2014 223
The gents in horned helms weren't involved with Brighton Model World as far as I know. They were gathered outside the Old Ship Hotel, a few doors away.

Modelworld 2014 SECR goods brake - South Downs Lig…

22 Feb 2014 209
The SECR became part of the Southern Railway in 1923, so the original of this pre-dates that.

Modelworld 2014 - Peter Stearne Steam Engines & Or…

Modelworld 2014 Sussex Vintage Model Railway Colle…

The Long Ship Hotel - Brighton - 22.2.2014

22 Feb 2014 270
I haven't been able to find out what these folk in Norse costume were in Brighton for. Clearly they were on a peaceful mission being without weapons. I am not sure if anyone is now allowed to wear horned helms, as the Vikings apparently didn't.

Modelworld 2014 Mountfield Models - Brighton - 22.…