Brighton Toy & Model Museum - OO gauge layout - townscape - 2.4.2013

Brighton Toy and Model Museum and other toy and model exhibitions and museums

Folder: Arts & artefacts - Museums, galleries, exhibitions, music and other art forms
Photos taken at museums and exhibitions of toys and models. Generally I avoid using flash when other people are around, so some of the pictures are not as sharp as they would be with the extra light. stream

Brighton Toy & Model Museum - OO gauge layout - to…

Brighton Toy & Model Museum - OO gauge layout - co…

Brighton Toy & Model Museum - Russian helicopter…

02 Apr 2013 293
This is a large-scale model - the fuselage is probably around 3 feet or a metre long. That estimate is just my impression from memory. I think it is a Kamov because of the contra-rotating rotors, but, after a brief scroll through images on-line, I haven't found which type. I am bad about making notes at the time, especially when with two smallish grandchildren.

Brighton Toy & Model Museum - 'O' gauge layout - F…

02 Apr 2013 435
The trains on this layout are from very varied sources. Some are tinplate and some from more finescale origins. I really need to go back without the grandchildren and appreciate at leisure. I have assumed that the banners are French tricolours, as the bands on the French flag run vertically. The Dutch tricolours have almost the same red, white and blue but running horizontally. The architecture looks more French than Dutch.

Brighton Toy & Model Museum - OO model railway la…

10.25in gauge 46100 Royal Scot from South Downs Li…

Volks Daddy long legs model - Brighton Modelworld…

Volks Electric Railway - Brighton Modelworld - 22.…

Blackgang Gauge 3 layout - Brighton Modelworld - 2…

Moorhen Model Boat Club - Brighton Modelworld - 22…

RNLB 17-21 large-scale model - Brighton Modelworld…

RNLI models stand - Brighton Modelworld - 22.2.201…

Anna - GER class G15 from South Downs Light Railwa…

22 Feb 2013 973
To see a photo of G15 127 on the Wisbech & Upwell Tramway please see

Titanic by Moorhen Model Boat Club - Brighton Mode…

22 Feb 2013 317
They wouldn't let Titanic sink on this, the first, day of the exhibition. I wonder if it did go down on the final session!

Model railway in a briefcase - or should that be t…

22 Feb 2013 279
I regret that I can't identify which stand this and another similarly small layout were on. I shall be happy to include that information, should someone let me know. Focus is not too brilliant, but I try not to use flash in areas were other people are enjoying the models on display. N gauge I am fairly sure.

Brighton Toy & Model Museum - 4mm/1ft railway mode…

Brighton Toy & Model Museum - Spot-on road vehicle…

Eastbourne Miniature Steam Railway N gauge model r…

56 items in total