88 & 90 French Street - Southampton - 20.5.2005


Folder: South coast counties

88 & 90 French Street - Southampton - 20.5.2005

20 May 2005 184
Included as a typical dock warehouse. This is another restored sign, hardly ghostly, but not advertizing a current occupant of the building.

Merchant's house - French Street - Southampton - 2…

The Bargate - Southampton - 20.5. 2005

Normandy House, 45 Bugle Street - Southampton - 2…

Tudor House - Southampton - 20.5.2005

20 May 2005 228
Details of the Tudor House Museum and other associated buildings may found at www.tudorhouseandgarden.com

The Wool House - Southampton - 20.5.2005

20 May 2005 3 291
The Maritime Museum previously housed here, has now closed and its artefacts transferred to the new SeaCity Museum. For information about the building and its history please see www.southampton.gov.uk/s-leisure/artsheritage/maritimemuseum.aspx

Tudor Merchants Hall Southampton 20 5 2005

A view through level 9 - West Quay car park - Sout…

24 Jan 2024 1 91
I glimpsed this view as I approached the West Quay shopping centre. It just seemed to be an eye-level view with a nice symmetry. To date the photos in the Southampton album have been of listed buildings, but this trip in January 2024 has given me a wider range of views and subjects to share.

CMA CGM Louvre container ship Southampton 24 1 202…

24 Jan 2024 2 143
The vessel in front is Boskalis Magnor a back-hoe dredger. A close-up photo is nearby.

Southampton District Energy Scheme building 24 1 2…

Above Bar Street meets Hanover Buildings Southampt…

Former entrance to the Royal Pier Southampton 24 1…

Southampton Civic Centre clock tower 24 1 2024