Friars Walk Car Park Public Toilets Lewes 11 7 2023

Public Toilets

Folder: Buildings - miscellaneous or specialist types of building and building materials and components

Friars Walk Car Park Public Toilets Lewes 11 7 202…

Hove Railway Station Toilets 20 5 2023

Pinwell Road Public Toilets Lewes 11 7 2023

The Old Town Hall Public Toilets Seaford 22 3 2023

Place Lane Public Toilets Seaford 18 4 2023

Martello Tower Public Toilets Seaford 19 4 2023

Fort Road Public Toilets Newhaven 18 4 2023

Sign of the times

Males' lavatory Canary Wharf 25 2 2023

25 Feb 2023 126
As someone well into his eighth decade, these facilities are a vital part of any itinerary, especially nice clean ones like these!

A bit Hard if you need to go - Portsmouth - 22.8.2…

22 Aug 2012 2 3 332
The Hard is now the major transport hub outside Portsmouth Harbour Station, with a bus and coach station, the eastern terminal for the Gosport Ferry and around the corner the terminal for the ferries to Ryde on the Isle of Wight. I am sure the name originated from a nautical use in earlier times.

Last toilets before France - Newhaven - 30.1.2014

30 Jan 2014 306
This toilet is on the west side of the harbour, close to the Marina. On a visit to Newhaven The Queen's helicopter landed in the playing field next door. I doubt that Her Majesty used these facilities. The helicopter can be seen taking off, after the Queen had continued her journey by car, at

Seaford Cemetery toilets 13 7 2023

A call of nature - Bexhill - 10.8.2015

Toilette des chiens - Fecamp - 25.9.2010

Brighton Station - south side of concourse - 11 11…

St Pancras Priory second reredorter eastern elevat…

Not the best background - Seated by Tschabalala Se…

Orchard Street Newport IoW toilets 13 9 2023

36 items in total