Battle Abbey from the battlefield - 30.8.2016

Battle Abbey

Folder: Sussex Churches
Battle Abbey was originally built as a penitentiary offering by William the Conquerer, in recognition of the lives lost during the Battle of Hastings and in the ensuing conquest of the country by his Norman army. It was built on the site of the battle, on the high ground initially held by the English. Their king, Harold, was killed in the battle, with an arrow piercing him through an eye.

Battle Abbey from the battlefield - 30.8.2016

The Abbot's Great Hall - Battle Abbey - 30.8.2016

The Abbot's Great Hall west elevation - Battle Abb…

The common room - Battle Abbey - 30.8.2016

The Dormitory Range - south - Battle Abbey - 30.8.…

The Novices' Chamber - Battle Abbey - 30.8.2016

The undercrofts - south face - Battle Abbey - 30.8…

Dove - Battle Abbey - 30.8.2016

30 Aug 2016 1 252
I am not sure what species of dove this is. It doesn't seem to have a collar and it is a different colour from other doves I have seen. It could be a young bird, yet to acquire its full colours. It was standing beside a path close to Battle Abbey and didn't seem to have any companions. Perhaps it was a visitor from Normandy 950 years after the rest.

Water Mint - Battle Abbey - Sussex - 30.8.2016