St Pancras Priory view from west Lewes 23 7 2014

St Pancras Priory, Lewes, East Sussex

Folder: Sussex Churches
The ruins of the 11th century Cluniac Priory, destroyed during Henry the eighth's dissolution of the monasteries after his split from the Roman Catholic church.

St Pancras Priory view from west Lewes 23 7 2014

St Pancras Priory second reredorter eastern elevat…

Monument to the Battle of Lewes 23 7 2014

St Pancras Priory - first reredorter - Lewes - 23.…

St Pancras Priory - Blaker's Tower - Lewes - 23.7.…

23 Jul 2014 248
Added by the Victorian owner of the site and now used for educational resources with the adjacent crescent shaped benches.