The Uplands - East Dulwich - 5.10.2007

East Dulwich, London

Folder: London
An assortment of photographs taken during the years when we lived in this part of South London. A few pictures of Peckham Rye have been included, as it was our nearest park and a lovely place to take our boys when they were young.

The Uplands - East Dulwich - 5.10.2007

05 Oct 2007 403

EDT a.k.a East Dulwich Tavern - 21.10.2006

21 Oct 2006 366
NB 21st October and the Christmas decorations are on the lamp-post - early for Christmas 2006 or late for 2005? A very typical design for an urban pub from the late Victorian or Edwardian period. This one is at the junction of several roads and has a wedge-shaped foot-print.

The Palmerston, Lordship Lane, 13.10.2008

Lordship Lane - The Bishop - 21.10.2006

Austin K9 radio van HSV 853

North Cross Road on 21.10.2006

eat dulwich platter

01 Jan 2006 288
This piece of whimsy was concocted when Southwark Council was trying to enhance the identities of the 'neighbourhoods' in the borough. Lots of effort was going into the riverside areas and some into improving the images of the parts that were less attractive to tourists and shoppers. So I thought East Dulwich should promote its main attraction -food! The eateries and food shops are a collage from various parts of Lordship Lane & North Cross Road. But this never got off my p.c.!

Lordship Lane - The Cheese Block & neighbouring sh…

Licht affen Gallery - North Cross Road - 30.9.2006

Fresh Flowers - North Cross Road - 21.10.2006

Grace & Favour - North Cross Road - 21.10.2006

Jeannie Avent - North Cross Road - 30.9.2006

Junction Emporium & Cheers, Lordship Lane - 17.10.…

Mrs Robinson, Lordship Lane, 26.10.2006

Upland Road - 23.3.2006

23 Mar 2006 1 1 240
Perhaps it is the hip end to the roof and the white render - but this view always made me think that it should be further out into the suburbs. The row of dormer windows and the gable end onto the road further along only add to the impression.

flaming cab

E Dulwich Sorting Office - Silvester Rd - SE22 - 2…

Zandra Rhodes - Bollards & bus shelter - 20.10.200…

20 Oct 2006 1 450
A Pink bus shelter with a Bench - two groups at once - I might even try the London Bus group as well! I know that the bench can hardly be seen, but someone is sitting on it! One tiny confession - the height of the lamp-post has been reduced slightly to stop the lower part looking too small! As part of a regeneration scheme some well-known locally based artists have contributed designs to cheer up the area.

41 items in total