Elva Mk III 1958 sports racing car - Bexhill Museum

Bexhill Museum

Folder: Arts & artefacts - Museums, galleries, exhibitions, music and other art forms

Elva Mk III 1958 sports racing car - Bexhill Museu…

10 Sep 2022 98
This model of car was built in fairly small numbers, in Bexhill and a couple of other nearby locations.

Volta electric car 1993 Bexhill Museum 10 9 2022

10 Sep 2022 4 228
That is some school science project!

Serpolet 1902 racing car Bexhill Museum 10 9 2022

De La Warr Pavilion architect's model 1934 - 10 9…

10 Sep 2022 1 110
This is the original design. It was not fully realised as the funds were insufficient. The structures in front of the main building were either scaled down or deleted from the final design. One can see the current appearance from photographs of the current building in my Bexhill-on-Sea album.

Specimens preserved in tanks & jars - Bexhill Muse…

Royal Sovereign Lighthouse model Bexhill Museum 10…

Baker Earl's transport Bexhill Museum 10 9 2022

Maritime history Bexhill Museum 10 9 2022

Spitfire plus Bexhill Museum 10 9 2022 copy 2

The Costume Collection between the wars Bexhill Mu…

The Costume Collection Bexhill Museum 10 9 2022

The Costume Collection side views Bexhill Museum 1…

The Costume Collection another group Bexhill Museu…

The Costume Collection 1930s Bexhill Museum 10 9 2…

Over the stairs to the Costume Collection a Bexhil…

Making connections Bexhill Museum 10 9 2022

Interesting, odd, surprising Bexhill Museum 10 9 2…