Belmond 67024 passing Lewes with ECS passes Southern 377 30 4 2022

Belmond Brighton Belle excursion London to Brighton 30 4 2022

Folder: Railways including tramways

Belmond 67024 passing Lewes with ECS passes Southe…

30 Apr 2022 3 74
This view is of the rear end of both trains. The Belmond Pullman train travels with a diesel locomotive at both ends. Along the south coast there are several stations, including Littlehampton, Bognor Regis and Eastbourne which are termini at the ends of branches off the main west to east coast lines, so rather than have to have the engine run round its train each time, it is simpler to have locos at both ends. There is the added reassurance that in the event of a failure the second engine can power the train. In days gone by there were many more engines about that could be substituted. Now most passenger trains are multiple units and there can be incompatibility between couplings and control systems so sometimes even they cannot help each other if one fails.

DB Cargo 67005 Queen's Messenger and Michael Porti…

Southern 313217 & DB Cargo 67 005 Queen's Messenge…

Musicians practice while awaiting the Belmond excu…

Musicians & greeters await the Belmond excursion B…

DB Cargo 67005 Queen's Messenger - passing Lewes E…

30 Apr 2022 91
This train was about five minutes early, as it travelled down to the Newhaven Town yard sidings, to wait there until it was needed, for the return trip of the Belmond Brighton Belle excursion, from Brighton back to London. That is why I was not in the best position to catch passing through Lewes.

DB Cargo 67005 Queen's Messenger - arriving at Bri…

Chattanooga Choo-choo greets the Belmond excursion…

Belmond train locos at Newhaven Town yard 30 4 202…

Belmond Pullman car Phoenix name panel, Brighton 3…

Belmond Pullman car builder's plate, Brighton 30 4…

Belmond 67024 passing Lewes with ECS 30 4 2022

Belmond 67024 on arrival at Brighton 30 4 2022

Belmond 67024 arriving at Brighton with baggage ca…

Belmond 67024 - with Audrey & Perseus arriving at…