Fringed Water-lily - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

Friston Pond, East Sussex

Folder: The natural world
Friston Pond is a Scheduled Monument. This is because it is a man-made dew-pond and has been there for centuries, created for livestock. It is well maintained and has had a viewing platform added in the fairly recent past, 2015. The plants, although typical for watery habitats in the area, were largely introduced to the pond at the same time, after a major overhaul.
The initial batch of photograph…  (read more)

Fringed Water-lily - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

Friston Pond from the south west - 24 8 2021

Friston Pond - reeds and more - 24 8 2021

Water Mint - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

Weeping Willow - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

Water Mint - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

Passers-by Friston Pond 24 8 2021

Friston Pond - bull rushes & waterlilies - 24 8 20…

Friston Pond - the boggy south-west corner - 24 8…

Fringed Water-lily - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

Friston Pond - tones & textures - 24 8 2021

24 Aug 2021 96
I have no idea what all these plants are called.

A Moorhen chick at Friston Pond - 27.6.2016

27 Jun 2016 1 3 268
Almost an abstract - make the grasses a bit fuzzier and fade the chick a bit more! As with the cow - it is the simplicity of the image that I like.

Bat at Friston Pond 25 5 2012

25 May 2012 78
A few extra Friston Pond snaps, from my archives, to add to my new album. I am particularly pleased with this photo. When I got to the pond, I could see, what I thought was a swallow circling around the pond and dipping down to the surface of the water. When I looked more closely I could see that its flight path was more erratic than a swallow's would have been and realized that it was a bat. I put my camera on a multiple shot setting and took a couple of dozen photos. This and one other were the only ones that showed the bat in any detail. I think it is fairly unusual to see bats out in the sunshine. Friston Forest is just over the road from the pond. I expect that that is where it lives.

Moorhen mother & chicks - Friston Pond - 25 5 2012

25 May 2012 91
A few extra Friston Pond snaps, from my archives, to add to my new album.

Yellow Flag Iris, Friston Pond, 25 5 2012

25 May 2012 2 67
A few extra Friston Pond snaps, from my archives, to add to my new album.

Friston Pond from the south 23 7 2009

23 Jul 2009 70
A few extra Friston Pond snaps, from my archives, to add to my new album.

Friston Pond 22 7 2015

22 Jul 2015 71
A few extra Friston Pond snaps, from my archives, to add to my new album.