De La Warr Pavilion centre inverted to blue 25 10 2016

The De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill-on-Sea

Folder: Arts & artefacts - Museums, galleries, exhibitions, music and other art forms

De La Warr Pavilion centre inverted to blue 25 10…

De La Warr Pavilion - Down the stair well - 25.10.…

De La Warr Pavilion Peter Blake exhibition 25 10 2…

De La Warr Pavilion reflections explored 25 10 201…

De La Warr Pavilion - reflections - mono - 25.10.2…

25 Oct 2016 4 199
Reflective film had been applied to the exhibition gallery windows, shielding the exhibits and providing a different exterior experience.

De La Warr Pavilion staircase - blue yellow grad -…

The De La Warr Pavilion- Bexhill - spiral staircas…

The De La Warr Pavilion - Bexhill - Wrap-around re…

The De La Warr Pavilion & out-door stage - Bexhill…

The De La Warr Pavilion - Bexhill - England - 31.5…

De La Warr Pavilion from the west - Bexhill - 31.5…

The roof terrace - De La Warr Pavilion - Bexhill -…

Two pavilions on the prom - in front of the De La…

Yuri Gagarin's Kite - De La Warr Pavilion - Bexhil…

Water jets in October Bexhill 25 10 2016

Interacting with Fiona Banner - Bexhill - 25 10 20…

They are not discussing the architecture - De La W…

Fiona Banner Indoors Outdoors Bexhill & London 201…

25 items in total